
LITMUS tools in Germany: A large-scale study on the use and development of NWR, CLT, (SRep) and MAIN
Natalia Gagarina, Angela Grimm, Tanja Rinker & Anna-Lena Scherger (Statistik: Elna Haffner)
International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB) 14
26.06.2023 – 30.06.2023
Macquarie University, Sydney

Does this child need language training, therapy or is it developing typically? Use of an international test battery to address this question
Tanja Rinker, Natalia Gagarina, Angela Grimm, Lina Abed Ibrahim & Anna-Lena Scherger (Statistik: Elna Haffner)
BMRS2023 – Bilingualism Matters Research Symposium 2023
20.10.2023 – 21.10.2023
University of South Carolina, Columbia, USA und Online

How does language exposure matter in bilingual TD and DLD children? A large-scale study with three German LITMUS tools
Natalia Gagarina, Angela Grimm, Tanja Rinker & Anna-Lena Scherger 
Bi-SLI – 5h Bi/multilingualism and specific language impairment conference
Utrecht University, Netherlands

The production of word-initial clusters in typically-developing monolingual and bilingual children and bilingual children diagnosed as DLD: Evidence from German and French
Chiara Boila, Sandrine Ferré, Angela Grimm & Christophe dos Santos
Bi-SLI – 5h Bi/multilingualism and specific language impairment conference
Utrecht University, Netherlands

Nonword repetition in bilingual German children by age 4 to 8

Angela Grimm & Anna-Lena Scherger
IASCL- 16th International Congress for the Study of Child Language

Prag University, Czech Republic

Sprachdiagnostik mehrsprachiger Kinder – Validierung einer Testbatterie (SPEAK): Teilprojekt Phonologie

Katharina Bleher, Angela Grimm & Annika Heitzmann                                                          IDeA-Bilanzworkshop 2024

23.05.2024                                                                                                                              Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation (DIPF), Frankfurt


Comparison between structure repetition in SRT and spontaneous structure production in MAIN in bilingual German-speaking children with DLD

Tina Ghaemi & Jenny Thillmann
Bi-SLI – 5th Bi/multilingualism and specific language impairment conference
 Utrecht University, Netherlands