Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Kateryna Iefremenko

Publikationen vor der Zeit am ZAS


  • Schroeder C., Iefremenko K., Katsika K., Labrenz A., & Allen S. (to appear). Clause combining in narrative discourse: A contrastive analysis across heritage and majority languages. In: Linguistic Dynamics in Heritage Speakers. Ed. by Shanley E. M. Allen, Heike Wiese, Artemis Alexiadou & Mareike Keller. To appear in this volume. Language Science Press.
  • Labrenz A., Iefremenko K., Katsika K., Allen S., Schroeder C., & Wiese H. (to appear). Dynamics of discourse markers in language contact. In: Linguistic Dynamics in Heritage Speakers. Ed. by Shanley E. M. Allen, Heike Wiese, Artemis Alexiadou & Mareike Keller. To appear in this volume. Language Science Press.
  • Katsika, K., Labrenz A., Iefremenko K., & Allen, S. (to appear). Discourse openings and closings across languages in contact. In: Linguistic Dynamics in Heritage Speakers. Ed. by Shanley E. M. Allen, Heike Wiese, Artemis Alexiadou & Mareike Keller. To appear in this volume. Language Science Press.
  • Keskin, C., Iefremenko, K., Kornfilt, J., Schroeder C. (in review). Hybrid clause combining strategies in Turkish language contacts. Studia Linguistica
  • Iefremenko, K. (to appear). Word order in the speech of Kurmanji-Turkish bilinguals. In Geoffrey Haig, Mohammad Rasekh-Mahand, Donald Stilo, Laurentia Schreiber & Nils Schiborr (Hg.). Post-predicate elements in the Western Asian Transition Zone: A corpus-based approach to areal typology. (Contact and Multilingualism). Berlin: Language Science Press.
  • Iefremenko K., Özsoy O., Schroeder C. (to appear). Paratactic clause combining in heritage Turkish in Germany and the U.S. Turcologica
  • Brizić K., Derince Ş., Iefremenko K., Kırgız Y., Schroeder C., Şimşek Y. (to appear). The acquisition of Kurdish in multilingual context. Handbook of Kurdish Language and Linguistics
  • Schroeder, C, Iefremenko, K. & Öncü, M. (to appear). The postverbal position in heritage Turkish. A comparative perspective with a focus on non-clausal elements. In: Kalkavan-Aydın, Z. & Şimşek, Y. (eds.). Zweisprachigkeit Deutsch-Türkisch. Studien in Deutschland und in den Nachbarländern. Münster: Waxmann.
  • Özsoy O., Iefremenko K., Schroeder C. (2022). Shifting and expanding clause combining strategies in heritage Turkish varieties. Languages, 7: 242. doi.org/10.3390/languages7030242
  • Wiese H., Alexiadou A., Allen S., Bunk O., Gagarina N., Iefremenko K., Martynova M., Pashkova T., Rizou, V., Schroeder C., Shadrova A., Szucsich L., Tracy R., Tsehaye W., Zerbian S., Zuban Y. (2022). Heritage speakers as part of the native language continuum. Frontiers in Psychology, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.717973
  • Iefremenko, K., Schroeder, C., & Kornfilt, J. (2021). Converbs in heritage Turkish – a contrastive approach. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 44(2), pp. 130-154. doi.org/10.1017/S0332586521000160 
  • Iefremenko, K. & Schroeder C. (2019). Göçmen Türkçesinde cümle birleştirme. Pilot çalışma [Clause-combining in Heritage Turkish: A pilot study]. In Kamil İşeri (ed.), Dilbilimde Güncel Tartışmalar [Current debates in linguistics], 247–255. Ankara: Dilbilim Derneği Yayınları.


  • Wiese, Heike; Alexiadou, Artemis; Allen, Shanley; Bunk, Oliver; Gagarina, Natalia; Iefremenko, Kateryna; Jahns, Esther; Klotz, Martin; Krause, Thomas; Labrenz, Annika; Lüdeling, Anke; Martynova, Maria; Neuhaus, Katrin; Pashkova, Tatiana; Rizou, Vicky; Rosemarie, Tracy; Schroeder, Christoph; Szucsich, Luka; Tsehaye, Wintai; Zerbian, Sabine; Zuban, Yulia. (2021). RUEG Corpus (Version 0.4.0) [Data set]. Zenodo. doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.5808870
  • Iefremenko, Kateryna. 2021. Oghuz (Ankara). In Haig, Geoffrey & Stilo, Donald & Doğan, Mahîr C. & Schiborr, Nils N. (eds.), WOWA — Word Order in Western Asia: A spoken-language-based corpus for investigating areal effects in word order variation. 13 October 2021. Bamberg: University of Bamberg. (multicast.aspra.uni-bamberg.de/resources/wowa/)
  • Iefremenko, Kateryna. 2021. Kurdish (Northern, Ankara). In Haig, Geoffrey & Stilo, Donald & Doğan, Mahîr C. & Schiborr, Nils N. (eds.), WOWA — Word Order in Western Asia: A spoken-language-based corpus for investigating areal effects in word order variation. Updated 24 August 2021. Bamberg: University of Bamberg. (multicast.aspra.uni-bamberg.de/resources/wowa/)


  • Gagarina, N., Klop, D., Kunnari, S., Tantele, K., Välimaa, T., Bohnacker, U. & Walters, J. (2019). Multilingual Assessment Instrument for Narratives – Revised. Materials for use. ZAS Papers in Linguistics, 63. Ukrainian version. Translated and adapted by Alkhimchenkova, D., Iefremenko, K. & Gagarina, N.