Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. habil. Dagmar Bittner

Presentations & Poster

Staff talk

Reduced use of eigentlich, sogar, einfach, schon, and wohl in spontaneous speech a decade prior to clinical diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Dementia – a pilot study

Bittner, Dagmar

Sixth International Conference on Corpora for Language and Aging (CLARe6)

10. - 12.04.2024

Universität Tübingen

Guest talk

Reduced use of certain evaluative particles in the prefield of Alzheimers Dementia

Bittner, Dagmar

04.05.20222, 9:00-10:00 Uhr

ZAS seminar room 403 and online via Teams (see below)


Staff talk invited

Linguistic patterns in the prefield of Alzheimer's Dementia

Bittner, Dagmar, Claudia Frankenberg & Johannes Schröder

13th Hadassah Conference on Communication Disorders


Hadassah Academic College, Jerusalem

Staff talk

Ambiguous object pronoun processing in younger and middle-aged speakers: evidence from eye-tracking

Abashidze, Dato, Dagmar Bittner & Natalia Gagarina

Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (hybrid)

07.09.2022 - 09.09.2022

University of York

Staff talk

German plural formation is word class bound

Bittner, Dagmar

20th International Morphology Meeting

01.09.2022 - 04.09.2022


Staff talk

Changes in pronoun use (and linguistic perspective-taking) a decade before clinical diagnose of Alzheimer's Dementia

Bittner, Dagmar, Claudia Frankenberg & Johannes Schröder

The expression and the acquisition of reference

05.11.2021 - 06.11.2021

Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster

Staff talk

The processing of ambiguous object pronoun in L1 and L2 speakers

Abashidze, Dato, Dagmar Bittner & Natalia Gagarina

12th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics (ExLing 2021) (virtual)

11.10.2021 - 13.10.2021

National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

Staff poster talk

Processing of ambigious pronouns in younger and older adults: evidence from eye-tracking

Abashidze, Dato, Dagmar Bittner & Natalia Gagarina

AMLaP Asia (postponed)

02.09.2021 - 04.09.2021

Hong Kong University

Staff poster talk

Children's Understanding of Presuppositions Triggered by the Exceptive 'but'

Balbach, Nadine, Tom Roeper & Dagmar Bittner

Conference of the International Association for Child Language

15.07.2021 - 23.07.2021


Staff talk

L1 Acquisition of Presuppositions Triggered by Exceptives like 'but' (virtual)

Balbach, Nadine, Tom Roeper & Dagmar Bittner

Experimental Pragmatics in Italy Conference (XPRAG.it 2020(21))

08.07.2021 - 09.07.2021

Università degli Studi di Torino

Staff talk

Children’s understanding of a special presupposition triggered by the exceptives’but’ and ’außer’

Balbach, Nadine, Tom Roeper & Dagmar Bittner

Processing Presuppositions: Theoretical and Methodological Approaches (virtual)

19.10.2020 - 21.10.2020

Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen

Staff talk invited

Language over the lifespan - pronoun use in older age

Bittner, Dagmar

Fachbereichskolloquium, Institut für Linguistik


Universität Konstanz

Staff poster talk

Pronoun use in the prefield of Alzheimer's Dementia (online)

Bittner, Dagmar & Johannes Schröder

2nd workshop on Speech Perception and Production across the lifespan

30.03.2020 - 31.03.2020

UCL London

Staff poster talk

Particle-specific effects of ‘too’ and ‘but’ on the realization of finite clause structure in German L1-acquisition – an elicitation study

Bartz, Damaris & Dagmar Bittner

Child Language Symposium (CLS)


University of Sheffield

Staff poster talk

Function words and the acquisition of finiteness in TD- and LI-children

Bittner, Dagmar, Peter Jordens & Damaris Bartz

Child Language Symposium (CLS)


University of Sheffield

Staff talk

Pronoun use in German-speaking Alzheimer-patients vs. controls

Bittner, Dagmar & Johannes Schröder

CLARe4 (Corpora for Language and Aging Research)

27.02.2019 – 01.03.2019

University of Helsinki

Staff talk

Forschungsinteressen des ZAS und persönliche zum Thema "Sprachentwicklung über die Lebensspanne"

Bittner, Dagmar

Sprachentwicklung über die Lebensspanne


ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk

Generation-related differences in Implicit Causality biases of German verbs

Bittner, Dagmar

51st Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea

29.08.2018 - 01.09.2018


Staff talk

Potentielle Beiträge der Linguistik/des ZAS zur Verbesserung von Gesundheitsinformation

Bittner, Dagmar

Workshop on Health Literacy as contributing to healthy aging


Institut für Erwachsenenbildung, Bonn

Staff poster talk

On the role of function words in the emergence of finiteness in SLI

Bittner, Dagmar & Peter Jordens

10th European Congress of Speech and Language Therapie

10.05.2018 - 12.05.2018

Cascais, Portugal

Staff talk invited

Pronomenverwendung bei älteren Menschen mit und ohne kognitive Beeinträchtigung

Bittner, Dagmar

Workshop 'Alter(n): Sprache – Mehrsprachigkeit – Kognition'

15.02.2018 - 16.02.2018

U Bochum

Staff talk

Wortbildung im deutschen L1-Erwerb

Bittner, Dagmar

12.12.2017 - 13.12.2017

U Turin

Staff talk

Children fail to repair presuppositions

Roeper, Tom & Dagmar Bittner

Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition conference (GALA 13)

07.09.2017 - 09.09.2017

Palma de Mallorca

Staff talk

Particle-specific effects of 'but' and 'too' on the acquisition of finiteness in German L1-acquisition

Bartz, Damaris & Dagmar Bittner

International Symposium on Monolingual and Bilingual Speech 2017 (ISMBS 2017)

04.09.2017 - 07.09.2017

Chania, Greece

Staff talk

Effects of type of because-clause on German 5+6-year-olds comprehension of Implicit Causality

Bittner, Dagmar

International Symposium on Mono- and Bilingual Speech Development (ISMBS) 2017

04.09.2017 - 07.09.2017

Chania, Kreta

Staff talk

Backward and forward orientation in the use of personal and demonstrative pronouns in German discourse

Bittner, Dagmar & Jeruen E. Dery

49th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE)

31.08.2016 - 03.09.2016

Naples, Italy

Staff poster talk

L1-acquisition of finiteness in German 'aber'-clauses

Bartz, Damaris & Dagmar Bittner

Lancaster Conference on Infant and Child Development

25.08.2016 - 27.08.2016


Staff talk

Adversativity Delays the Realization of Finiteness

Bartz, Damaris & Dagmar Bittner

26th Annual Meeting of the Society for Text & Discourse

18.07.2016 - 20.07.2016

Universität Kassel

Staff talk

Causality and the narrative now bias in discourse comprehension

Dery, Jeruen E. & Dagmar Bittner

12th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality, Evidentiality

15.06.2016 - 17.06.2016

Caen, France

Staff talk

Causal constraints override biases for temporal proximity in discourse processing

Dery, Jeruen E. & Dagmar Bittner

90th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America

07.01.2016 - 10.01.2016

Washington, DC, USA.

Staff talk

Expressing adversativity: morpho-syntactic properties of early 'aber'-clauses in German L1-acquisition

Bittner, Dagmar & Damaris Bartz

Acquisition of Discourse Phenomena Across Languages and Populations (ADILP)

16.10.2015 - 17.10.2015

ZAS, Berlin

Staff talk

Type of because-clause and German 5-6-year-old's comprehension of implicit causality

Bittner, Dagmar & Jeruen E. Dery

Workshop on Linguistic and Cognitive Effects of Anaphora Resolution

15.05.2015 - 16.05.2015

Thessaloniki, Greece

Staff talk

Temporal constraints on implicit causality effects in pronoun reference

Dery, Jeruen E. & Dagmar Bittner

Workshop on Linguistic and Cognitive Effects in Anaphora Resolution

15.05.2015 - 16.05.2015

Thessaloniki, Greece

Staff talk

Syntactic stagnation in SLI - Discourse as the missing link

Bittner, Dagmar & Peter Jordens


07.04.2015 - 09.05.2015

Florenz, Italy

Staff talk

The ABER-project. Research background and research topics

Bittner, Dagmar

Arbeitstreffen des DFG-Projekts: Erwerb von ABER im Englischen, Deutschen und Bulgarischen

29.09.2014 - 30.09.2014

ZAS Berlin

Staff poster talk

Referential choice in German children's because-clauses

Bittner, Dagmar & Jeruen Dery

13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language

14.07.2014 - 18.07.2014


Staff talk

Emergence of Implicit Causality in German children

Bittner, Dagmar & Jeruen Dery

Symposium: Implicit causality and the causal structure of events. 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language

14.07.2014 - 18.07.2014


Staff talk

The use of ABER and negation in early German production data

Gülzow, Insa, Victoria Bartlitz, Johannes Holthausen & Dagmar Bittner

Symposium: Acquisition of adversative relations. 13th International Congress for the Study of Child Language

14.07.2014 - 18.07.2014


Staff talk

Zum Erwerb von P- und D-Pronomen in Longitudinaldaten und Narrativen. Gastvortrag

Bittner, Dagmar

Sprachwissenschaftlich-Sprachdidaktisches Kolloquium



Staff talk

Temporal proximity between causes and effects influences patterns of causal attribution

Dery, Jeruen E. & Dagmar Bittner

11th International Conference on Actionality, Tense, Aspect, Modality, Evidentiality

16.06.2014 - 18.06.2014


Staff talk


Bittner, Dagmar

ZAS&ZfL-Science Slam



Staff talk

Opposing pronoun types. L1-acquisition of German P- & D-pronouns. Gastvortrag

Bittner, Dagmar

Conference „Pronouns in development“



Staff talk

Die Semantik der deutschen Pluralbildung und ihr Zusammenhang mit dem Genus

Bittner, Dagmar

Genus, Klassifikation und Kategorisierung

28.11.2013 - 30.11.2013


Staff talk

Pronoun type opposition in German children's narratives

Bittner, Dagmar

Conference on the Acquisition of Referring Expressions (AERef)

24.10.2013 - 26.10.2013


Staff talk

BECAUSE-clauses in German children's production data — early evidence for implicit causality

Bittner, Dagmar & Jeruen E. Dery

Workshop 'Cohesion and coherence in text comprehension and text production'

26.09.2013 - 27.09.2013

U Osnabrück

Staff talk

Tense and negation affects implicit causality biases of German verbs in discourse production

Dery, Jeruen & Dagmar Bittner

Workshop 'Cohesion and coherence in text comprehension and text production'

26.09.2013 - 27.09.2013

U Osnabrück

Staff talk

Temporal information affects implicit causality biases in pronoun resolution

Dery, Jeruen & Dagmar Bittner

5th Conference on Quantitative Investigations in Theoretical Linguistics

12.09.2013 - 13.09.2013


Staff talk

Erzählperspektive in kindlichen Narrationen - strukturelle Evidenzen

Bittner, Dagmar

Gastvortrag im Linguistischen Kolloquium


LMU München

Staff poster talk

The COST Subject-Verb agreement task - German pilot with mono- & bilingual children

Bittner, Dagmar, Julia Siegmüller & Jeannine Baumann

Poster, COST meeting IS0804

27.05.2013 - 29.05.2013


Staff talk

Evidenzen für die Wahl der Erzählperspektive bei 5-Jährigen

Bittner, Dagmar

Gastvortrag im CRC Textstrukturen


U Göttingen

Staff talk

The Subject-Verb-Agreement Task - Pilot Results on German

Bittner, Dagmar

COST meeting IS0804

13.02.2013 - 15.02.2013


Staff talk

Implicit causality biases in German verbs: Elicitation and first results on acquisition.

Bittner, Dagmar, Jeruen E. Dery & Evdokia Valcheva

Workshop on Cognitive and Linguistic Mechanisms of Anaphoric Reference

20.11.2012 - 21.11.2012


Staff talk

Pronomenwahl und Erzählperspektive bei 5-7-Jährigen

Bittner, Dagmar


01.11.2012 - 03.11.2012


Staff talk

Detecting the discourse functions of the German demonstrative pronoun DER

Bittner, Dagmar

Conference on Discourse Cohesive Means in Acquisition

11.03.2012 - 13.03.2012

ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Construing referential coherence in German – the case of implicit verb causality

Valcheva, Eva, Milena Kuehnast & Dagmar Bittner

13th International Conference 'Cognitive Modeling in Linguistics'

22.09.2011 - 29.09.2011


Staff talk

Do children integrate coherence relation and verb semantic when producing anaphoric pronouns

Valcheva, Eva, Dagmar Bittner, Milena Kuehnast & Sabine van der Ham

12th International Congress for the Study of Child Language (IASCL)

19.07.2011 - 23.07.2011


Staff talk

Wenn das Kind in verkürzten Sätzen spricht - kompensierter Dysgrammatismus, SPO-Sätze und Grammatiktherapie revisited

Siegmüller, Julia & Dagmar Bittner


22.06.2011 - 25.06.2011


Staff talk

Implizite Kausalität - eine empirische Studie zum Deutschen

Bittner, Dagmar


ZAS Berlin


Staff poster talk

Spracherwerbs- und Sprachstörungsforschung am Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Berlin

Bittner, Dagmar

GISKID Gründungstagung

20.05.2011 - 21.05.2011


Staff poster talk

Spracherwerbs- und Sprachstörungsforschung am Zentrum für Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Berlin

Bittner, Dagmar

Poster, GISKID Gründungstagung

20. - 21.05.2011


Staff poster talk

Finiteness and Tense: What is behind the difficulties in agreement marking?

Bittner, Dagmar

Poster, 6th International Conference on Language Acquisition (CIAL)

08. - 09.10.2010


Staff poster talk

Pronominale Anaphern in der dialogischen Spontanproduktion eines SLI Kindes

Bittner, Dagmar

Poster, 6. Interdisziplinäre Tagung über Sprachentwicklungsstörungen (ISES 6)



Staff talk

The role of topic in the acquisition of pronominal anaphors in German

Bittner, Dagmar


23.02.2010 - 26.02.2010

HU Berlin

Staff talk

Irregularität und Paradigmatizität in der deutschen Pluralbildung

Bittner, Dagmar

4. Tagung Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft in Italien

04.02.2010 - 06.02.2010


Staff poster talk

Comprehension and production of tense forms in Berlin and Austrian German

Bittner, Dagmar, Bettina Fürst & Wolfgang U. Dressler

Poster, Final Conference of COST Action A33: Let the children speak: Learning of critical language skills across 25 languages

22. - 24.01.2010


Staff talk

Results of the tense experiment performed with Berlin-German speaking children

Bittner, Dagmar

COST A33 project meeting

08.10.2009 - 09.10.2009


Staff talk

Vom Zahlwort ein zum unbestimmten Artikel - nominale Determination im Wandel

Bittner, Dagmar

Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahrens Professur für Historische Sprachwissenschaft


FU Berlin

Staff talk

Lack of function words at age 3 - a highly predictable cue of language impairment

Bittner, Dagmar

Präsentation für Berlin International Women's Club


ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Hilfsverben, Fragewörter und Konjunktionen - Frühe Hinweise auf SES

Bittner, Dagmar

Rostocker Symposium II

09.05.2009 - 10.05.2009


Staff talk

Production and comprehension of personal pronouns in German, Russian and Bulgarian child language

Bittner, Dagmar, Natalia Gagarina & Milena Kuehnast


04.03.2009 - 06.03.2009

U Osnabrück

Staff talk

Asymmetries in resolution and production of pronominal anaphor in German child language

Bittner, Dagmar & Susanna Bartsch

International Conference 'Relating Asymmetries between Speech & Comprehension in the Acquisition of Language'

24.01.2009 - 25.01.2009


Staff talk

Tense experiment: Cross-linguistic results of the time card experiment - pilot experiment

Bittner, Dagmar

COST A33 extra project meeting

15.01.2009 - 16.01.2009

ZAS Berlin

Staff talk

Development of a tense experiment - pilot studies with German 5-year-olds

Bittner, Dagmar

COST A33 project meeting



Staff talk

Distinctive features and the complexity of grammatical categories

Bittner, Dagmar

41 annual meeting of SLE (Societas Linguistica Europaea): Languages in Contrast Grammar, Translation, Corpora

17.09.2008 - 20.09.2008



Staff poster talk

Resolution of intersentential pronouns in German, Bulgarian, and Russian

Bittner, Dagmar, Milena Kuehnast & Natalia Gagarina

Poster, XI International Congress for the study of child language (IASCL)

28.07.2008 - 01.08.2008


Staff talk

Zur Annahme einer Nominalgruppenflexion im Gegenwartsdeutschen. Probleme und Lösungsvorschläge

Bittner, Dagmar

Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahrens Professur für Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft


U Bremen

Staff talk

Markiertheitskonflikte in der Nominalgruppenflexion

Bittner, Dagmar

Vorstellungsvortrag im Rahmen des Berufungsverfahrens Professur für Germanistische Linguistik (Lehrstuhl)


U München

Staff talk

Changes in function and inflection of indefinite articles in German

Bittner, Dagmar

13th International Morphology Meeting

