Leibniz-Zentrum Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft Leibniz-Gemeinschaft

Dr. Adina Camelia Bleotu

Publications before the time at ZAS


  • Bleotu, Adina Camelia. 2019. Towards a Theory of Denominal Verbs: A Look at Incorporation, Phrasal Spell-Out and Spanning. (Series: Empirical Approaches to Linguistic Theory). Brill Publishing House. ISBN-13: 978-9004395008. (Monograph based on Phd Thesis)


  • Bleotu, Adina Camelia. 2016. Colour verbs in English and Romanian. In João Paulo Silvestre, Esperança Cardeira & Alina Villalva (eds.), Colour and Colour Naming: Crosslinguistic Approaches, 145-160. Centro da Linguistica da Lisboa, Universidade de Aveiro. ISBN-9789899866621.


  • Deriving scalar implicatures with quantifiers by Romanian 7-and 9-year-olds- submitted to Romance Turn Proceedings 2019
  • The effect of distinctiveness, size and colour upon quantifier spreading interpretations in 5 year olds-manuscript
  • Scalar implicatures with existential quantifiers in 5-year-olds: Insights from a coloring book task and an erasing task –manuscript
  • Bleotu, Adina Camelia. 2019. How Are Number and Person Ordered in the Verbal and Pronominal Domain in Romanian?. Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, LXIV (2). ISSN: 0035-3957. Indexed ISI, ERIH.
  • Bleotu, Adina Camelia. 2018. The Acquisition of Root NN Compounds in Romanian. Bucharest Working Papers in Linguistics No. 2. ISSN 2069-9239. Indexed in EBSCO.
  • Bleotu, Adina Camelia. 2017. Why GIVE does not incorporate in denominal verbs. In Alexandra Cornilescu, Alina Tigau, Anca Dinu (eds), Revue Roumaine de Linguistique, LXII, No./Issue 2, Investigating Romanian Datives. Available online: ling.auf.net/lingbuzz/003178. ISSN: 0035-3957. Indexed ISI, ERIH
  • Bleotu, Adina Camelia. 2016. A Spanning Account of Denominal Verbs in English and Romanian. In Guglielmo Cinque, Luigi Rizzi (eds.), Rivista di Grammatica Generativa, vol. 38, 13-23, Venezia. Available online: lear.unive.it/jspui/handle/11707/5689. ISSN: 2531-5935
  • Bleotu, Adina Camelia. 2016. A Phrasal Spell-Out Account of Denominal Verbs in English and Romanian. In Kate, Bellamy, Elena Karvovskaya, Martin Kohlberger and George Saad (eds.), ConSOLE XXIII: Proceedings of the 23rd Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (7-9 January 2015, Paris), 175-199, Leiden: Leiden University. ISSN: 1574-499X.